I took hubby to hospital for his surgery on Tuesday. The surgeons decided to do two skin grafts instead of one and they took skin from his inner thigh. I took him home yesterday as well but last night was a bit messy especially when he started to bleed all over the place. He called me at work this morning informing me that he had to go to our local medical centre to have his wounds seen to. He also said he had to wash the bedsheets as they were covered in blood. He’s in pain but he’s very strong and healthy—he’ll manage this. Actually, I am grateful that Hubby comes from a robust stock. He’s hardly sick and aside from these skin cancers he’s in top shape for his age.
One thing I like about socialised medicine is, for instance, yesterday’s procedure was free c/o the NHS. We checked in for Hubby’s appointment, they led us to a proper ward (beds and all), a nurse explained the procedure in detailed to him, a couple of surgeons explained further, they took him to theatre (operating room) and brought him back to the ward where I was waiting. It was all straightforward. There was even some nice relaxing music in the ward! I also like our hospital here in Devon, which fortunately is one of the top 10 in the country. We’re very lucky here in Devon. When Hubby felt he was ready to go home we just walked out. All his future appointments made for him by the head nurse. Now I understand why lots of illegal migrants would like to live here in the UK and take advantage of the health system.
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