Friday, January 27, 2006

Peculiar turn

I had a peculiar experience last night driving home. As I left the A30 for the A35 in Honiton, I discovered that a wide bodied open lorry transporting huge excavation equipment was holding up the traffic. I mean it even had its own police convoy. We were all doing 30mph which will otherwise be 60mph. Luckily, I was listening to my new compilation CD made by Hubby and I was trying to relax. The A35 is a single carriageway and there are only two places where it is safe to overtake. I decided to sit it out. I wasn’t feeling all that great and the fading light didn’t help.
Anyway, there I was behind the wheel listening to Eva Cassidy’s heartfelt rendition of “Over the Rainbow” when suddenly--and I mean suddenly without any warning whatsoever, this overwhelming feeling of utter desolation, sadness and grief came over me and I started to sob! Have you ever tried crying while driving in a winding road? I didn’t have my tissues nearby and I was wearing my leather gloves which made it a bit hard on my eyes when I tried to wipe them. I didn’t know where it came from. It was like a cold, dark spirit invaded my body and mind. It was terrifying because I suddenly understood why people commit suicide. The hopelessness, the pain and sorrow was too much to bear.
I couldn’t wait to get home and shake the black, oppressive mood that swamped my mind. As I opened my front door, I was greeted my exuberant dog Sam. Hubby was there and slowly I felt the mood leave me. I quickly took medicine for my aching sinuses (I had the worst case of sinusitis yesterday). Hubby kindly offered hot miso soup to help me relax and we talked about my peculiar “turn”.
Was it simply physical exhaustion that spurred that turn? I have been having such a heavy week of staff assessment and long team meetings. I also have a bad bout of insomnia to boot. Last night I had to go to bed early (the meds make me groggy) but woke up at 1.00am. Do you think I can sleep after that? No way. I crawled out of bed at 6.00am, drove to work like a zombie and here I am back where I started yesterday afternoon--behind my desk. And guess what? I am totally shattered and all I want to do is sleep. This is pure hell.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Eventful week--so far

What an eventful week. It’s only Wednesday but a lot happened since the start of the week. Of course the high point was getting a good result from my dissertation but it was followed by an even better event. I have renewed an old acquaintance. It all started from an email. I recognised the name immediately but the last time I saw Lenna we were both in University. I found out that she’s been living in the UK for over 20 years. That was very exciting news for me. Finally I know someone here in the UK who shares a bit of my history! The initial email exchanges were tentative then I took the plunge, asked for her phone number and called her. Things just fell into place and last night we had a very long telephone conversation. I do not recall ever using our phone that long in one go--ever. Well she agreed to visit me in Musbury in a couple of weeks. I am really overjoyed to pick up where we left off in the 70s. I cannot wait to see her.
This was coupled by another event. My sister Rosa celebrated her 40th birthday yesterday (I hope you had a good one Rosa!) and before the day was over my niece Cheryll gave birth to a bouncing baby boy! An Aquarian born in the year of the rooster--not bad.
Yesterday I also managed to do two assessments of my staff. I was shattered by the end of the day. I had to focus and concentrate on their issues, concerns, etc and at the same time ensure that I have a plan for their personal development. As I said before and I’ll say it again, managing people is a real challenge because it requires a lot of effort and care from the manager (that is if you want to be effective). It also requires a lot of patience from me--something that does not come naturally. I have to work at it but I guess in the end it will make me a better person, eh? I cannot wait to have this week over. Then I would have done all the assessments in my team and all I have to do is to write the reports. That is the easy part.
Let’s see what the rest of the week has to offer. I am having my own assessment today but I am quietly confident I will sail through. I haven’t been sleeping well though. Too many dreams and I just cannot relax! Even my dreams are stressful, like taking exams--a recurring dream for me. I need to relax more.
Hubby had his stitches taken off yesterday and he looks a bit “rakish” a la Harrison Ford. Ha! He heals so well though and in time the scars disappear. I am glad that the doctors spot these basal cell carcinomas early. Thank goodness for the NHS!

Monday, January 23, 2006


I just received my grade for my Masters paper in power and leadership and guess what? I got a merit! Yes! I am truly overjoyed. The downside is my boss wants to read my paper. That would be fine for another topic but I concentrated on analysing power at work. Hmm. Would it be wise to let him read it?
I sorely need this good news. It really gave my spirits a lift! It is better than a powerful pain killer. I now have 60 credits to my name and another 80 to go before the thesis stage? Never mind. For the time being I will bask in this glow and I will try not to worry about the future. WAHEY!
Hubby was so happy as well and the people at work. However, my in laws are completely happy. So happy in fact that my father in law will tell his mates in the pub about my grade. They take these things seriously here. After all writing a paper is a lot of hard work.

Back to normal

Amazing how little things can make a difference in your life. Like having all the mod cons in the house working just right! I was over the moon yesterday when I took delivery of my new washing machine. Yes, Currys deliver on Sundays but take note I ordered the machine online. Unlike my old machine that needed to be connected to the hot and cold taps, this one only needed the cold tap and it heats up the water. More economical! I did two cycles immediately and it worked like a dream. The only downside is there was a bit of a leak in the pipe connected to the drain in the sink. Hubby had to use a plumbing tape to seal it properly. We’ll see if that works in the next batch of washing.
I also received my new mobile phone--another Motorola. It gets updated every year by Vodafone. Of course I need to stay with them for another year and a half but that’s no big deal. I’ve owned a mobile phone since 1997--wow almost 10 years!

The weekend was brilliant. We had such wonderful sunshine and on Saturday the temperature was very mild indeed for the time of year. Hubby and I went to our local garden centre to get a couple of things and we found out that the January sales were still on. We picked up some bargains! I also started feeling much better. No more sore throat or chesty cough. I am so glad I stayed in bed during the week.

Today is my first day back. I hope it isn’t too stressful. However, I vowed not to stress out about things. Much as I detest people management, I just need to accept that it is part of my job.

Aside from my rather fitful night sleep, I just have the normal aches and pains now so I must be normal again. Let’s see how the week unfolds.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


I knew I jinxed myself the moment I wrote that I haven’t been off sick from work for a long time. Well, I’ve been off since yesterday and I am here at home nursing a sore throat and a cold. I had no hope to fight the cold because I had it coming from everyone at work…coughing and spluttering around me. I didn’t sleep a wink the other night and got up with a throat that felt like sandpaper. I just had enough so I called in sick. I figured nothing could go wrong in my absence and if something does well that’s just hard cheese! The upside is hubby is getting over his chesty cough. It’s been overcast since Sunday, which doesn’t help lift my miserable disposition but at least I am not at work. I see how I go today. If I feel better in the morning (or at dawn) I might just go back to work tomorrow. Hey at least I do not look like the humpback of Notre Dame anymore. My shoulder is not hurting as much. I’ve been applying hot compress every night hoping that it would help. Maybe it’s doing the trick. I just feel I need the rest, not think of work and just read in bed. I was asleep most of the day yesterday. Sam was with me most of the time. He’s great that way. He always keeps me company whenever I feel under the weather. What I want to avoid is getting a relapse. I’ve always been wary about respiratory ailments ever since I had a bout of pneumonia four years ago. It was almost the same time—mid winter. Actually I am not surprised because January is a stressful time at work. I have to do my staff assessments, produce reports and forecast budgets. No I shouldn’t even think about theses things. I should focus my thoughts on food. At least I haven’t lost my appetite. I just wish someone else would cook it for me. That would be grand but alas, the price of independence is you do everything on your own!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Fraught weekend

I just had a fraught weekend. It began ominously with my left neck and shoulder injury flaring up. I was miserable at work. I know I have to do something about it sooner or later because I cannot go on taking all these pain killers forever! Anyway, when I got home hubby was ill as well with a nasty chesty cough. I find Friday nights exhausting. It’s that time when I feel I just had enough of thinking and working. All I want to do is “veg” out but of course there’s the housework to be done. Last Friday I was truly knackered that I didn’t even bother. I was in bed by 8.30pm. All I wanted to do was to read my book, take another pain killer and hopefully get some sleep.

I woke up on Saturday feeling fragile. I started the laundry and was cooking myself some breakfast when I heard a fuse go off. Luckily enough the washing machine has almost done the spin cycle. I was washing my white cotton bedsheets and I didn’t relish the idea of wringing them manually. I went outside in the garage to check the circuit breaker. Yes, it was damn cold too! I flicked the switch but it cut off electricity immediately so I went back to the utility room, turned the washing machine off and tried flicking the switch in the circuit breaker back on. It did…but that meant bad news. My washing machine has gone kaput! What???? I suppressed a maniacal scream. I had to stop myself from going berserk. That was the last thing I needed. I had a mountain of washing to do, it was cold and freezing outside and I felt like the hunchback of Notre Dame with my swollen shoulder. I soldiered on with the weekly cleaning but every time I passed by the utility room I felt sick. Hubby valiantly tried to check what was wrong with the damn thing but I couldn’t face paying a fortune for the repair. This was the third time the machine broke down in seven years and I am fed up with it! Nope. I decided to buy a new one. Sounds drastic huh? But with a new one costing £250 (incl delivery, installation and scrapping the old one) and one year warranty thrown with it etc, I quickly found the prospect of buying a brand new machine quite appealing. The last time I had the machine repaired it cost me £75 and that was four years ago! This time I am going to buy a straightforward washing machine not like this one which is a washer dryer. The dryer conked out a couple of years ago which prompted me to buy a separate dryer, which is heaven sent!

With my mind made up I quickly searched the internet for a replacement. It’s a good thing I did because I got a good discount from my usual High Street store (Currys). The machine will be delivered next Sunday! Yes! But my troubles weren’t over yet because I still had a mountain of washing to do and hand washing was NOT an option. Yesterday we went to a laundrette in Axminster. It cost £6 for two washes and I had to fumble with the coins. It was the first time I did something like that. I had no idea what a time waster exercise it was! It took half an hour for the washing but I didn’t bother to dry the clothes there. We quickly went home and I was so pleased to use my own dryer to dry the clothes. Later I ironed my business shirts. Amidst all the palaver I managed to cook a beef stew in the slow cooker. That eased the stress of having to cook on Sunday night.

My shoulder is still dodgy but I am now applying hot compress on the afflicted area. Hubby insists I should see a chiropractor. We’ll see. This week and next I shall be doing an annual assessment of my staff. It is not something I look forward to. People management is a thankless job and that is one thing I least enjoy. I have enough problems of my own to listen to everybody else’s problems. All I want to do is get on with my work and I do wish other people just do the same thing instead of constantly complaining. No, I do not want to hear another complaint about the damn weather!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Work mode

These photos were taken this morning and that’s me in my everyday work environment sitting in front of my PC and NOT on my desk! I spend a majority of my day in my office so I make sure it is clean and comfortable.
I got in a bit late this morning. It was almost 8am when I arrived. There was this lorry in the A35 who was doing 40mph and it was difficult to overtake due to super dark conditions and rain. By the time I hit Exeter the volume of traffic was building up. Ach! Driving can be a pain especially during dark winter mornings. Last night I was awakened by howling winds to the point that I dreamt that my neighbour’s boat crashed right outside my window. I was trying to think of a reason not to go to work in the morning. Anyway, today turned out to be a nice day with brilliant sunshine--a change from the past week!
I wasn’t feeling too good last night. I felt a bit shivery. One of my colleagues at work came in with a stinking cold and unfortunately she kept coming into my office to confer with me. I felt so rotten in the evening that I hardly had anything to eat for dinner. I just didn’t have any appetite. Two mega doses of paracetamols and went to bed early. I think it helped because I feel okay today.
It’s such a nice day outside--blue sky, sun shining and no wind to spoil the temperature. It would be great to be out walking in the countryside. Can’t wait for spring to come.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Ms Reliable

Things are getting to be hectic now that the spring term has begun. It is nice to hear the buzz of young people around me but unfortunately I am ensconced in my office most of the time. There are a lot of things to organise and follow up--but I like that part of my job though. If only I could organise other things in this world the same way. Do I sound like a control freak? Maybe.
I am the sort of person who wants to know the ending of a movie or book beforehand. In fact when I am in the middle of a good book I read the last few pages. I encourage my friends to tell me the ending of a movie before I watch it. I also want to know who won a pre-taped game (golf, football, etc) or who won the elections. Predictability, that’s what I like. It gives me a sense of security. I do not have to worry about the results. It’s quite funny because at work, people start to worry when I am not here before anyone else. I am hardly late for work--ever--unless I am sick (very rare occurrence) or in an accident (once) or snowed in! Not wishing to tempt fate I do not know the last time I called in sick. I park in the same slot every single day. I leave the house at 7.00am on the dot and I do not even need an alarm clock to wake me in the mornings even in winter time.
I am always punctual. This I got from my father. I only write in black ink. Now I do sound spooky!
I am almost finished with my file management at home. I have labelled new folders and chucked out the old ones. Now they all look the same and as perfect as my paper files at work. Hehehe. I guess I want everything “sorted” just in case something happens to me or I need to find something. Again this has something to do with security. I need to be assured.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Sunday sweet Sunday

I went to the garden centre with my in laws this morning. It wasn't such a nice day really. When I got up this morning all I could see for miles is frost. Of course it was freezing outside. I bought a couple of mini cyclamens in terracota pots (at bargain prices) for a splash of colour in the house. On our way home it started sleeting. Soon after it snowed but it's the kind that won't stick so I'll be okay tomorrow. I had a spot of lunch and decided to use up very ripe bananas to bake a banana cake.
Sam is feeling the cold at the moment. All he wants to do is to curl up into a ball and sleep. I do envy his ability to sleep soundly. He's a nice smelling dog...well his weekly baths do the trick. I bought this new shampoo--for white or cream dogs. It gives his white coat a real shine! He is such a sweetie and most importantly he never fails to make me laugh. I cannot imagine how some people can be cruel to animals especially to dogs. I think dogs are such lovely creatures. They are loyal, loving and very consistent companions. Sam is fully house trained. He does his business outside on the flower beds even! He's fussy that way. When he's out for a walk and he wants to do a dump, he goes right into a grass verge or hedge to do it. We do not need to pick up after him. Clever dog!
The other day on my work to work one morning (it was still very dark, before dawn) I saw a beautiful barn owl. It was the first time I saw it in its natural habitat. I didn't hear anything. It just flew across the hedge and almost on top of my car! The lane is very narrow. It could only accommodate one vehicle so it was easy for the barn owl to swoop across the hedges. What a sight to behold. I do love living in the country!

Big Bird
You scored 89% Organization, 65% abstract, and 62% extroverted!
This test measured 3 variables.

First, this test measured how organized you are. Some muppets like Cookie Monster make big messes, while others like Bert are quite anal about things being clean.

Second, this test measured if you prefer a concrete or an abstract viewpoint. For the purposes of this test, concrete people are considered to gravitate more to mathematical and logical approaches, whereas abstract people are more the dreamers and artistic type.

Third, this test measured if you are more of an introvert or an extrovert. By definition, an introvert concentrates more on herself and an extrovert focuses more on others. In this test an introvert was somebody that either tends to spend more time alone or thinks more about herself.

You are very organized, more abstract, and both introverted and extroverted.

Here is why are you Big Bird.

You are both very organized. You almost always know where your belongings are and you prefer things neat. You may even enjoy cleaning and find it therapeutic. Big Bird is never sloppy and always under control... pretty good for a 6 year old bird living without a family.

You both are abstract thinkers. Big Bird is a dreamer who always wonders what the world is like. You definitely are not afraid to take chances in life. You only live once. You may notice others around you playing it safe, but you are more concerned with not compromising your desires, and getting everything you can out of life. This is a very romantic approach to life, but hopefully you are also grounded enough to get by.

You are both somewhat extroverted. Like Big Bird, you probably like to have some time to yourself, but you do appreciate spending time with your friends, and you aren't scared of social situations. Big Bird is always very comfortable around others, but he often prefers the quiet low-key presence that Snuffleupagus provides.

The other possible characters are
Oscar the Grouch
Kermit the Frog
Cookie Monster
Guy Smiley
The Count

If you enjoyed this test, I would love the feedback! Also if you want to tell me your favorite Sesame Street character, I can total them up and post them here. Perhaps your choice will win!

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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You scored higher than 96% on Organization

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You scored higher than 75% on concrete-abstra

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You scored higher than 45% on intro-extrovert
Link: The Your SESAME STREET Persona Test written by greencowsgomoo on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Home administration

I decided to update our household filing today. I was under the impression that we had to keep about five years’ of bills and bank statements (just in case) but yesterday I asked our finance department and I was assured that for home use, one year is enough. Hubby and I are not self employed and we do not certify our own tax returns so we’re pretty much in the clear. So today I checked out all the drawers and filing cabinets and filed the necessary documents like current bank statements, credit card statement, mortgage statements, pensions and insurance (house and cars). Everything after 2005 I am shredding or burning tonight. Call me paranoid but I am particular how we dispose sensitive information (eg name, addresses, bank statements, etc). I also want to have all our important documents in order. I like to be organised that way.

However, before I did all that I decided to call my best friend in Manila and we chatted for almost an hour! It’s a good thing I have this pre-paid card—a lot cheaper than BT! I do miss her but every time we talk it feels as if we just saw each other yesterday. We tell each other everything and I am completely at ease with her. I mean we’ve been friends for over 40 years! No-one knows me better than she does. When I reminded her that I’ve been away for 15 years she couldn’t believe it. A lot of things happened since then.

There is a chance that my mother might be able to visit me this summer. I try not to be too excited about it because I do hate getting disappointed. I just wish my best friend and my sister Rosa would be able to visit me too. I will be a very happy person indeed then. If only they could offer me a couple of weeks of their lives to see what I’ve done to my life, I would be extremely happy. It’s a long shot though but who knows?

I didn’t feel too good this morning. I had a touch of asthma. I am okay now. I took some cough medication (I am trying to shift this pesky cough) and a healthy dose of my inhaler. Hubby took pity on me and volunteered to do the weekly shopping in Tesco. I was extremely grateful. I couldn’t face doing the supermarket shopping today but I need some things for my cooking.

Yesterday my friend Jane and I went to town (Exeter) during our lunch hour and believe it or not I picked up another bargain from Marks and Spencer. I found the trousers that matched my navy jacket for half price! I also found another jacket for £13—70% off. I am loving it. That reminds me I must alter my other trousers. I have lost so much weight my trousers feel too loose on the waist. I am between a UK size 8-10. A size 10 petite fits fine though.

Tomorrow I might go with my in laws to our local garden centre. This garden centre is unlike no other. I might just get a nice orchid to match the other orchids in my kitchen. My mother will be impressed! I know I have to wash my car but it is bloody freezing outside! Too many things to do at home.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Killing me softly--with her song

Songs are like perfume. They have the capacity to transport you back to a certain place and time. They could also easily affect your emotions—happy or sad memories. This happened to me yesterday. As per usual I went to work before the crack of dawn and I was happily driving in alpha mode. I decided to listen to a Norah Jones CD “Come Away with me”. As I approached a red light in Exeter, I heard the first strains of a song “It’s not the pale moon that excites me, that thrills and delights me, oh no, it’s just the nearness of you…” I sat there instantly transported to a place and time in my distant past. I don’t know what chemicals are present in my brain that made that moment so real. I sat there transfixed only to be rudely reminded of the present from a car behind me honking. The lights turned green and I didn’t even notice! Totally amazing. The funny thing is I wouldn’t want to go back to that time in my life! I try to remember the good and gloss over the bad.
I am looking forward to the weekend for some relaxation before the start of another 10 week stretch before the Easter break. Wahey! In a perfect world, I would be living within spitting distance of my best friends and well chosen family members (hehe). I love shopping and having coffee with my sister or best friend and watching the world go by. I miss the jokes and conversations with someone who shares the same history with me. In that same perfect el mundo, the food would be wonderful all of the time. I am not bothered with the weather as with not having good food.
I realise that as I grow older, I am getting more and more obsessed with cleanliness. It is getting worse I noticed of late. Just this morning I was about to use a pen left on my desk but before I could do that I wiped it with hygienic gel! And the reason for this? The pen did not originally belong to me and I didn’t know who used it last. I am one sad person. It’s just I cannot bear the thought of someone else using it with unhygienic hands! Yuck. When I visited Manila in July, my friends and family called me an “OC” (obsessive-compulsive). Surely I am a borderline case? My staff at work are aware of my compulsion. I have ordered bleach and air fresheners. Even the cleaner says I have the cleanest and tidiest room in the place. Yes! Don’t even ask about my PC, keyboard and monitor. I clean them with a special cleaner almost everyday. At home I go through bottles upon bottles of disinfectant and fabric/air fresheners. Everything must be sparkling clean and shiny. Poor Sam had to learn to pick up his toys from his toy box in the kitchen! My hubby says I have a keen sense of smell. I know if he had kippers for breakfast when I come home at night. I have to clean the microwave and spray with my trusty kitchen cleaner to get rid of the smell. So yes, when it comes to cleaning I am an expert on the subject!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Retail therapy

If there was one store on earth that I could really say I have a “relationship” with, I would say it was Marks and Spencer. There are other stores vying for my hard earned money but I cannot walk into M&S without buying anything. If I do not find anything in clothing, I know I can nip downstairs to the food hall and come out with some scrumptious food!
Yesterday hubby and I went to Exeter to check out the sales. I bought a few items in Debenhams (not a bad shop), checked out Clarks for boots (didn’t find anything exciting) and eventually ended up outside M&S to meet hubby. As soon as we entered the store I saw rows upon rows of “further sale items-more than 50% off”. Hey I am only human! Hubby found a real bargain in a grey pin striped suit (matching jacket and trousers) and a pair of black cashmere trousers. I got myself a navy suit jacket with lovely stitching on the lapels and a nice blouse all more than 50% off. What a bargain!
I love shopping. It is one activity that offers me stimulation and exercise. I can walk for miles looking at “stuff”. I remembered when I was about 10 years old my best friend and I would take a cab from our house in Makati to spend the afternoon in the shopping centre (Quad and Bricktown). That was ages before they developed the place into Glorietta and Greenbelt. At that time in the late 60s and early 70s, Shoemart was just a shoe store. I loved it and I remembered scrapping money from my meagre allowance to buy shoes. I particularly remembered my first pair of “ladies” shoes—white sling backs. They easily got dirty of course. We also frequented Rizal theatre and Quad cinemas. My best friend and I were ahead of our time in terms of shopping. We used to go to this little shop in Bricktown called Funhouse. We’d buy stupid things like joke cards and silly gadgets. We had so much fun really—and of course we’d spend a lot of time in National Bookstore perusing the latest novels. As the shopping centre grew, our tastes grew with it. Rustans, the shop for posh people introduced me to M&S underwear (St Michaels). I was hooked. So when I came to the UK the first shop I visited was Marks and Spencer. I just love the shop!
Now whenever I am in Manila I still visit Makati shopping centre. I cannot believe the size of Shoemart or SM Megamalls as they are known now. I approve of the redevelopment of SM in Makati. Very nice indeed. I miss that kind of shopping, just watching people go by and buying the odd item or two. One thing for sure whenever I feel depressed, the best way to get me back on my feet (literally) is to do some retail therapy. The problem is I need to work hard in order to indulge myself to this instant “happiness” hit. Oh well, one has to have a vice and as I do not drink, smoke or party I shop.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from the Blackebys!
Is it just me or the years go ever so fast as you grow older? I cannot believe that it is now 2006! I haven't even come to grips with 2005! Exactly fifteen years ago I was about to board a plane to Sydney in search of a new life. I remembered looking out of my plane window and memorising the brilliant Philippine sunset and weeping. I guess that was one of the most traumatic event in my life. I couldn't say that I liked Sydney. In fact I found it too quiet and mighty boring compared to Manila. For me Manila was a bustling city. I supposed I never really felt at home in Australia. One thing for sure I looked forward to leaving it! Exactly seven years ago I boarded a flight to London with my English husband to start a new life in England. This time I looked forward to it. I love the UK. I instantly felt "at home" here. I like the people and I love the countryside. It is not like anything I've seen before--and it is so rich in history and culture!
We have done a lot of things in those seven years. Hubby and I grew closer too. We were also lucky enough to find Sam, our Jack Russell terrier. All in all we found our bit of paradise and we are very happy. I never thought I could find happiness. I've always said it is very elusive--I still think it is. I suppose we have found contentment. When people are content on what they have, then there is no room for bitterness, envy or hatred. That's what we have. I have long forgiven the people who did me wrong and tackled the issues in my life that prevented me from finding true contentment. I still hanker for my perfect pinoy house in the Philippines and all that but it does not stop me from enjoying my life as it is for the moment. Although I never had children--one major issue I had to resolve-- I find it is no longer my one regret in life. It doesn't matter anymore. I have loads of nieces and nephews to lavish my love and attention anyway. I also managed to be in touch with the people I truly love like my younger sister, my parents, niece and nephews, friends and of course my hubby...yes I am fortunate to have them around me. I always think that if I die tomorrow I know I leave no regrets. I lived my life as I saw fit and made the best of what fate dealt me. It took me a long time to get to where I am now.
I have no New Year's resolution. I am just looking forward to what life has to offer--quite exciting because spring is just around the I optimistic or what?
By the way, here's a photo of my friends on New Year's Eve. We really had a good time yesterday and Jane (one in red) stayed overnight. It is great to have friends and loved ones around you this time of year.