Sunday, May 21, 2006

It was a dark and stormy night

I don't know about the dark, but it was certainly stormy and windy! It has been a week of wild weather—rain and gale force winds pummelled my garden all week! Not too good as far as delicate buds are concerned. Even the temperature has taken a nosedive and I am back wearing track suit bottoms and jumpers indoors. The plants are taking a beating we even had to stake the new maples. I can only think positively on this. At least our water butts are full to the brim and the plants do not need watering. However, the plants are growing real quick and I bet that just one sunny day and they’ll romp away.

It is that sort of day when I am stuck indoors. I have already done my ironing before lunch! I have no music on as I like listening to the wind and rain. I could hear the clock ticking downstairs. I sometimes think I am turning out to be some sort of recluse. I like being alone—well with hubby and Sam. Unlike most women I know I am not afraid to spend time on my own. I like my privacy and independence. Some people may think I am selfish or anti-social but I’d rather be out there pottering about in my garden with my dog than talking to people. Such irony! I trust very few people and one of them is my hubby. A lot of people let you down so I have developed this “wall”. I long ago stopped getting involved in other people’s lives. I thought that as long as I get my act together then that’s as good as it gets as far as life is concerned. I’ve stuck to that idea. Many people tell me their problems and I am okay to give moral support but that’s as far as I go. Trying to help other people solve their financial troubles is out of my league. Giving them advice is a no-no because experience taught me that people do what they want to do anyway.
Some good news though. Hubby and I are going to Rome in September. I’ve always wanted to the “Eternal City” ever since I knew it. I would love to see the classic architecture, paintings and that very secretive place called the Vatican. I am a history buff and I am sure my imagination will go wild just seeing all the things I read in school. That’s one good thing living here in England. You could just simply hop on a plane and rediscover history. Can’t wait!

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