Sunday, May 07, 2006

Weekend gardener

My weekends just fly by so quickly. I mean one moment it’s Friday night eating takeaway food with my in laws and before I know it it’s Sunday night and I’m preparing dinner!
Most of my activities during my days off are mainly on the house and garden. The first thing I do in the morning is to prepare myself as good cup of coffee—I only drink coffee when I am not working. Then Sam and I go up in the garden to check the progress of my plants. I am an obsessive gardener. I check for new growth or for any snails, slugs or bugs. I hate the last three things with a vengeance! I carefully make sure that the new tendrils from the clematis are entwined with the wire I made for them. There are so many buds around and the plants responded so well with the fertilising and watering! Next week I will take more photos.
This morning I went to the garden centre with my in laws as Hubby’s working in Plymouth. I bought some flowering plants which I planted right away as soon as I got home. Gardening gives me so much joy (a deep sense of satisfaction) that is hard to describe. I have a challenging garden because the soil is heavy clay and it is quite steep but this does not bother me a bit. I am very much my mother’s daughter that way. My mother loves gardening too and she’s happiest when she’s in her garden. For me tending the garden is not hard work but more like relaxation. I can spend a lot of time outside, clipping, digging, pruning, dead-heading, weeding (not too pleasant!) and planting. I can watch Gardener’s World all day or A Year at Kew when I’m not outside in my overalls. I still have the front borders to clear up. I need to do that one of these days but my focus is on the garden. It is taking shape slowly. I would hate to leave it during my holidays. At least a friend of mine promised to water the plants!
I do not like Sundays nights because it usually means one thing—next day is Monday and I’m off to work again!

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