Saturday, December 09, 2006

Moon gazing

The other day, in an attempt to ease a stressful situation I decided to answer questions to an online quiz. I know it’s a bit sad but bear with me on this. In one question I was asked to choose my favourite planet—there was Venus, Mars, Uranus (yeah I’d like to say that!), Saturn and the moon. Technically, the moon is not a planet but a satellite of Earth. Well I never did finish the quiz because I had to get back to my stressor—work! But that question remained in my mind. It just so happened that on my way home that night my vision was assaulted by this hauntingly, beautiful full yellow moon. I was mesmerised for a few seconds. It was rather difficult to stare at the moon and at the same time concentrate on driving! The following morning really got me thinking. As I closed my front door I looked out and saw my car bathed in this cold white light. I looked up and there was the moon again, bright and eerily seductive. It was a classic sight because I saw the moon peeping behind the bare branches of a tree and its light providing a silhouette among the clouds. As I drove that morning, I was debating which heavenly body I really fancied. I know most people would say the sun and I can see the point in that because the sun is a provider of life to all living things. Without it the only possibility is death.
Since we moved in the country I seem to notice the beauty of the moon than ever before. It glows up there in the evening sky, so romantic, so enigmatic, so melancholy. I love looking at the moon in my darkened room because unlike the sun I can stare at it without losing my eyesight. Does this say a lot about me? Maybe not. Maybe I am just like the rest captivated by the magic of a moonlit night.

It’s been quite a nightmare driving to and from work everyday. There’s always some nutter who thinks he owns the road. Yes I am being sexist now because most of my experiences with these louts are with the male species! They’re aggressive and bullies on the road. Just like yesterday, there was this lorry driver who manoeuvred his huge machine like it was a Mini then flashed his lights at me when I didn’t let him in my lane. Up yours too mate! Bloody idiot! What is it with these people???? Can’t wait for the winter’s solstice (21 December). After that the nights will gradually be shorter.

I was looking out to my garden this morning and noticed the bulbs that I planted recently have sprouted. Aren’t they early? Will they last the winter frost like tonight? Peter tells me the forecast is like minus 3 degrees Celsius. Ouch. The sky is clear. It is definitely freezing outside…but in spite of that I managed to give my car a quick wash. Yes, yes, yes…Peter says it is a new car syndrome. Well I just want a clean, nice smelling car. Just like my house!

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