It has been a stressful week as far as work is concerned. I really believe the most challenging aspect of any job would be dealing with people. Actually, come to think of it, relationships are the toughest part of life.
Let me see, what are my successful relationships?
- Hubby- I do love him but maybe I do not say it enough.
- Best friend- although I do find that our disparate methods of communicating (she’s a bit of a luddite) could sometimes be a problem
- My current boss- he leaves me to manage my unit and treats me fairly and equally. He’s also a real gent.
- Parents- that includes my in-laws as well.
- Special niece- Yes, I’ve been lucky enough to have a niece who shares my view in life. We are on the same wavelength.
- A couple members of my staff
- A few of my University pals and someone I’ve been working recently in a group website development.
How do I determine success? Well, communication is easy and there is complete trust. Trust and communication, how can you go wrong? Obviously these two things are quite fragile and easily destroyed.
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